Formula Boats Ft Myers Naples Florida Amzim Marine
Formula Boats Ft Myers Naples Florida Amzim Marine
Formula Boats Ft Myers Naples Florida Amzim Marine
Formula Boats Ft Myers Naples Florida Amzim Marine
Formula Boats Ft Myers Naples Florida Amzim Marine
Formula Boats Ft Myers Naples Florida Amzim Marine
Formula Boats Fort Myers Naples Florida Amzim Marine
Formula Boats Fort Myers Naples Florida Amzim Marine
Formula Boats Fort Myers Naples Florida Amzim Marine
Formula Boats Fort Myers Naples Florida Amzim Marine
It's almost National Safe Boating Week. Let's talk about how you can make your boating experience as fun...and as safe as possible. 
If you follow us on any of our social media sites, you've probably seen an uptick on boating safety and awareness. This is a topic that is very important to us at Amzim Marine. Gary and Cindy's daughter drowned in a pond in Zimbabwe. Thanks to their quick thinking, they were able to get her airlifted to the nearest hospital 4 hours away, and she miraculously survived the ordeal. Ever since then, it has been their mission to make sure that no other parent has to experience the terror of almost losing a child to something as preventable as drowning. 
"In 2017, the U.S. Coast Guard reported 658 deaths in the U.S. from boating incidents, with 75 percent of those deaths caused by drowning. Of those deaths, 85 percent are reported as not wearing their life jackets." 
- The National Safe Boating Council 
This is an alarming statistic, considering the fact that the entire point of owning a boat is to be out on the water, enjoying the sea. Just like taking care of your boat by flushing the engines with fresh water and rinsing it after use, one should take the time to go through a very basic safety checklist before you get out on your boat (We've included links that pertain to each item on this list): 
1.) Make sure that you have enough Life Jackets (or PFDs [Personal Floatation Devices]) for everyone on the boat. The National Safe Boating Council recommends that you wear them whenever you are on the water. 
2.) Make sure your boat is prepared. There are many items that need to be checked and rechecked on any boat. Schedule a Vessel Safety Check with your local U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary or U.S. Power Squadrons before you hit the 
water. Every Vessel Safety Check is conducted 100% free of charge. If your boat does not pass, no citation is issued at that time. Instead, you are provided a written report in how to correct any discrepancies. 
3.) Never boat under the influence. Not only does it put you and your loved ones in danger, but boating while intoxicated is illegal in the state of Florida, and the consequences of being caught boating under the influence can be costly. 
4.) Check the weather. If it rains while you're driving, the roads can get slick, but they maintain their shape. A rainstorm at sea can turn glassy calm water into 8 foot seas in no time. Make sure that you don't get tossed around in a storm by simply checking the weather. Let's also not forget that Florida is the lightning capital of the world, and that can kill all electronics on your boat very quickly. 
5.) Know your state's boating laws. This one should be pretty self explanatory; know the rules of the water in the state that you're in and follow them to the letter. 
6.) Invest in an EPIRB. EPIRB stands for "Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon". Look into getting one; they have saved countless lives since their invention in the 1970's. 
There are several resources at your disposal to ensure that your boating experience is as safe as possible. To keep up with the National Safe Boating Council, click the link below. 
As always, if you have any questions or concerns about this post or our content, please feel free to contact us at (239)228-6713, or email 
- Your Friendly Neighborhood Boat Blogger 
Chris Shand 
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